Online Dating Services

Friday, May 04, 2007

How To Date Hotties - Don't Make These Dating Mistakes

Dating mistakes can happen to anyone at anytime. Wouldn't it be nice if we never stumbled or embarrassed ourselves in the world of romance--and especially in front of the "hotties" we would like to date? Some of our errors in judgment around dating probably seem small today, while others have affected our whole life.

Probably the biggest dating mistake you can make, is to ignore the red flags of danger. For instance, if someone has to call their mother several times during the evening while on a date with you, there could be some serious attachment issues. And if you are dating someone whose ambition is to be a stand-up comedian but you have never heard them say anything funny, you're looking at unemployment challenges. Ask yourself if you could live with those characteristics if the person never changed.

Here are three key dating mistakes you want to avoid:

1. You date someone who is not only NOT a "hottie" in your eyes, but who you know isn't right for you.

You prefer to date a "hottie," but as soon as you met this guy, you said you'd go out with him when you knew he wasn't "it." He was a nice guy, and it was comfortable to have someone to do things with for a while. But the longer you went out, the more people saw you as a couple, and that became a problem. Friends stopped fixing you up and you weren't meeting anyone else because you were in a semi-relationship. Soon, you became isolated with him, and the longer you stayed, the more you had the nagging feeling that you should not rock the boat and leave because you might not meet anyone else.

Other issues also entered into your confusion, such as, you didn't want to hurt his feelings and people said you two looked good together. Trying to please other people, as well as settling for someone you don't really want, is a dating mistake you can get caught in for the rest of your life.

2. You move immediately into an exclusive relationship.

If you are dating someone you perceive to be a "hottie," you could become overwhelmed by chemistry before you even know him or her, and you are probably setting yourself up for relationship failure. Intense chemistry with a reasonably charming, attractive person can lead to immediate exclusivity and even talk of marriage. The problem is, it is impossible to know everything about a new person in a short span of time.

You need to meet the family, the friends, the past, and the present of your new love before you get committed. You don't know what lurks under the surface that you may find you can't live with. Some people discover that their abusive husband (or wife) masqueraded as a kind and caring soul in the beginning of a relationship. It takes time to know these things.

3. You have no clear idea what you are looking for in a relationship.

The most common dating mistake is to base your choice on a narrow set of criteria. Generally speaking, guys want chemistry and good looks in a woman; women want chemistry and career success in men. However, those qualities will not matter one drop if the person does not share your values.

Example: if you meet a beautiful girl that you are crazy about, and later discover that she is cruel to children and animals, that chemistry will vanish and she will soon look ugly to you. Or, if you are a woman and you meet an impressive successful guy, but find out he is an unbelievable liar, your attraction to him will be zero! These "hotties" just won't last as relationships.

It's important to be able to recognize your patterns of behavior so you can stop doing what you've always done, getting the results you've always gotten. You deserve a great relationship—and no more major dating mistakes.

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