Online Dating Services

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Should A Man Look For Sex On A First Date? She's Hot And You're Hot, So Why Not?

If you have ever read any dating tips for women - and let's face it, most of the dating tips are written either for women or by women – then you will undoubtedly have seen the advice never to have sex on a first date.

This applies either to conventional dating or online dating. You have to suspect it applies to online dating even more because the two people haven't even seen each other prior to the date.

As a man, you can take it for granted that the women has been advised all her life, by her mother, by her friends, and by people who write dating tips, not to have sex on a first date.

But there you are. It's the first time you have met in this way, and she's looking good. What's more, things are going really well and you know she's hot for sex. There comes a point in a date when you can be absolutely sure of this.

She's hot and you're hot. So why not?

To figure out what the answer is, ask yourself the question, 'Do I want to be certain of having sex with this woman?'.

Clearly, that is what you want. And you might be inclined to think that the sooner you 'close the deal' the better. If you don't close now, then she might change her mind.

It's not going to work like that. It could go one of four ways...

1. You have sex, and she instantly regrets it. It was too soon for her and the heat of the moment took over.

There's not so much of a problem here for you. You got to have sex. OK, you should feel bad now because she's feeling bad, and you allowed that to happen. But you can console her and after a couple of days she'll be fine.

You might however follow the old cliché of not seeing her again because she was 'too easy'. That could be a mistake. She might not be too easy, just head-over-heels fallen for you.

2. You have sex, you both enjoy it and everything's fine. Great! I have to say that this is the least likely of the possibilities. But if it happens like this, all is good.

3. You hold back. You allow her to feel all of the passion of the moment, but you hold out on her. Trust me – she's not going anywhere. She wants you! This is the way to do it because you can't lose. Although you missed having sex with her on this occasion, you can be sure that next time things will go just fine!

But there is possibility #4...

4. The worst of all possible worlds. She wants you, you want her, you make a move on her... but then she has a sudden pang of guilt. She's a 'nice girl' and she shouldn't be doing that. So she changes her mind and refuses you.

And what's more, because you didn't act like a 'gentleman', now she thinks badly of you. When she gets home, all she can think of is that you came on too strong and she nearly succumbed.

You blew it and you're history.

So the advice for men is the same as it is for women. No sex on the first date. For a man, you want to be sure of having sex with an attractive woman, and the best way of doing that is to wait just that little bit longer.

Not too much longer mind ;-)

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