Online Dating Services

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dating Without Breaking The Bank

I am sure that you have heard that you should spend at least two months salary on an engagement ring. However, this exorbitant spending is not necessary for dates with women. Most men think, though, that when you start dating a girl that the money will impress her, and therefore they end up spending way over budget in the hopes that can buy the love and affection from the woman. What this will get you however, is a broken heart and an empty wallet. Here comes the challenge: you have to go on a fantastic date so that you can really wow your date, while not breaking the bank, or looking like a cheap skate. Sound impossible? Maybe, but I don't think so.

First, you will find that women, despite how the movies may portray them, are for the most part very easy to please. As long as the romantic atmosphere is there, they won't care if you are taking them to a picnic under the stars rather than Chez-Dollar Sign. That is, unless of course, they are money grubbing gold diggers looking for a sugar daddy and if that is the case, then you do not want to associate with them anyway.

Next time you are looking to take a girl out, think about how much you really should spend. First dates you should not spend terribly much. This is a way for women who are serial daters to get a fantastically expensive meal, without paying you back in return, if you know what I mean. Do not let yourself fall into this trap. A first date at a fairly nice restaurant is great, but if she is an out of towner, what is even better is taking her to a restaurant that really showcases your local cuisine. A lot of times these restaurants, even if they may be "holes in the wall" can still give her authentic food for a very small price. Also, when you show her around your fair city, then you show her that you are interested enough in her to let her see a bit into your life. If the woman in your life is from the same town as you, you can always find out what restaurants she hasn't been to and frequent some of the favorites that she has, also you can ask her to suggest a great place that is out of the way and secluded so that you and her can spend some quality time together without having to wait for a table.

The art of the picnic has died away, but you can revive it and make it into a successful date. A nice day at the park can really turn up the romance, and it shows that you are creative. Yes, a nice picnic does take more planning on your part, than say a night out at a fancy restaurant, but trust me on this one it will be well worth it when she sees the effort you put into making your and her time together special. Make sure that you bring a nice big blanket to lie on and possibly a blanket to lie under if you plan to hang around after the sun goes down and it starts to get a bit chilly. As far as a menu is concerned, you can always cook something, or you can go to those chain restaurants for some delicious Italian food to serve for lunch or dinner. If you do decide to go there, don't just serve food in its Styrofoam container, take the food and put it into a Tupperware type bowl and make sure that you have some decent looking plates or bowls to serve the food in. They make great disposable plates but make sure that you aren't going cheap on the plates, no girl wants grease leak through to ruin her favorite dress. Most parks don't allow you to bring alcohol, but a nice glass of sparkling cider after a good meal while the sun goes down; will bring the element of romance to your date.

Finally, is you cooking for her! Yes, I know it can be a scary thought, but with the recipes that have been included in your kit, you should have no problem whipping up a really good meal even if you are a complete novice in the kitchen. Don't be too upset if a woman doesn't want the first date to be at your home, a woman feels that when she meets a man for the first time it should be in public in order to ensure that she is not going to be thrown in a pit and told "it rubs lotion on it's skin or it gets the hose again." You may have to spend a little bit of money before you can get to the home dates, but this is all apart of the game. Once you have her comfortable coming over to your place for dinner, make sure that your place is suitable to have a woman's presence. The bathroom should be clean and smell nice, with fresh towels, toilet paper, and soap so that she can do her business properly. Clean up your house as well before she ever steps foot in the door. Make sure you have spotless dishes. You still want to make an impression on this woman, even if it isn't the first date, and trust me, a woman is going to notice if you are nasty. Make sure that by the time she arrives, dinner is about to be served. You can let her see that you actually cooked the meal by doing some of the cooking while she is there, make sure you give her a lovely glass of wine while she is waiting though, and then you can serve, but do not keep her waiting too long. Just because the dinner you are serving isn't at a fancy restaurant that does not mean that you can scrimp on atmosphere. Have candles lit, and the lights dimmed. Make sure that you home smells pleasing, and not just like the Clorox you used 5 minutes before she got to the door, and make sure that you have some nice music playing. Nice music meaning dinner music, you both may love heavy metal, but listening to that will give both of you indigestion so wait to break out the hardcore stuff until later.

No matter which date suggestion you chose, make sure you give your date an idea of where she is going and what she is doing. A woman who is in 3 inch stilettos and a lanky silky black dress will not appreciate going to the park for some R & R, so make sure that you let your date know ahead of time a little bit of what you have planned so that they can plan ahead too. Try not to worry too much about how much things cost, rather focus on ensuring that the conversation is lively and pleasant and you will go a lot farther with her than you would if you were simply spending money for the sake of making an impression.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Dating on Internet on the Rise

There are many skeptics who discouraged or opined against the use of online dating service for looking for a date. Internet entered into our lives with a lot of inquisitive visits. People knew that it was a latest communication technology but few knew about the impact it was going to have on their lives.

In the starting phase Internet was not easily accessible and quite costly to use, hence it was hardly seen to be as productive as it has become now. There was lot of hesitancy in using Internet and the same applied to the Internet dating sites that had come up then.

The inquisitive visits brought in a gradual understanding of the Net. Subsequently the fact that Internet was a powerful media began to surface. Internet initially was devised for messaging and communication over telephone lines turned commercial in the last decade. It is now a medium for information transfer, messaging, audiovisual impacts, and online business to short list a few. The magnitude of Internet's power is indescribable.

Dating also went online and it is now days called as online dating or Internet dating. The Net has brought in a paradigm shift as to how we date. The preliminary hesitancy in using the Internet dating site to search for dating partner has now vanished. Large number of single men and women are going in for online dating. This is due many reasons elaborated in my earlier articles.

The starting fear of scammers has also reduced to a large extent due to an impressive number of testimonials that where written on dating sites by those successful in online dating. The instances of singles becoming couples are on the increase – single women and men who have found their mate online. This is encouraging more and more people to join online dating and matchmaking services.

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Friday, May 25, 2007

Common Dating Mistakes to Avoid

When it comes to dating mistakes we all have made them at one time or another. There are even times when we are in the middle of a date and we think to ourselves "I can't believe I just did that", or "why did I say that?" Many people make the same mistakes they tell their friends and family not to make when going on a date. We get caught up in the moment and it just kind of "happens".

Avoiding these types of mistakes can go a long ways towards a successful dating experience, for both you and your date. Here are some easy rules to follow to help you avoid making mistakes with your date.

Eye contact is one of the most important things you can do on a date. Looking away constantly or watching other people show a lack of interest in your date and what they have to say. By paying attention to your date and maintaining eye contact they will feel like they are the center of attention.

Another mistake many people make is talking too much. If you don't let your date talk and respond to what you are saying then sooner or later they will either get bored or think you are a self centered ego-maniac. This is especially important for men to understand. Being a good listener is a key ingredient when it comes to being a man on a date.

Remember your manners and be sure to compliment your date. But do so with discretion. A few good compliments will go a long ways. If you throw around compliments through out the date, you will start to sound insincere. If you do have to cancel be sure to give enough advanced notice, don't call half an hour before to cancel unless it is a true emergency. And don't stand your date up. Not showing up is extremely rude and is not appropriate adult behavior.

Talking politics or religion is also another mistake that you don't want to make, particularly if it's a first date. Until you get to know someone voicing your opinion on such matter is not a good idea. Keep the conversation light and fun. A date, after all is supposed to be a fun occasion.

It is also a good idea to make an effort to look your best. Don't show up looking like you've been out all day working. Be sure to dress to whatever your date plans encompass. Dress up or down to match the activity you will be sharing with your date. Your personal grooming and how you dress will make a lasting first impression before you even start talking to your date.

So there you have it. Just use a little common sense and your date will go well for all involved.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

12 Tips for Reading Her Body Language Signals

Want to know what she is really thinking and feeling? How to read her body language gestures to get it right. Understanding her body language has never been easier.

1: Her chest. When indulging in foreplay, a pinkish flush will colour the skin of her chest, this is known as a "sex flush". This occurs as a result of changes in her blood pressure and circulation, as well as her respiration and pulse rates. This is her subtle way of telling you that you could get lucky if you keep on with what you are doing. Another positive sign that you are doing it right is when her breasts start to enlarge. Women's breasts will increase by as much as 25% when they are sexually aroused.

2: Her pupils. A woman's pupils will dilate when she is stimulated by you. Subconsciously, her body is made to want to see more of whatever is pleasing her visually. To do this, her irises have to let in more light. At this point she is also starting to look hotter to you as well, as research has shown that guys are more attracted to girls with larger pupils. A win-win situation!

3: Her eyelashes. Look her in the eyes for a minute. She should be blinking about 15 times per minute. Research has shown that women on the Pill blink 32% faster than those who aren't. How does this help you? Due to the shift in her hormone levels, women on the Pill are more sexually attracted to guys with rugged features and strong wide jaws. Strive for the confident, strong and hard image.

4: The small of her back. As a woman nears orgasm she will start to arch her back. Clasp her tightly around her waist and pay attention to just how much arching she is doing. Do not stop now. Keep everything going until she climaxes. Yours is coming.

5: Her nose. A woman's sense of smell is best first thing in the morning. Maybe you should clean your teeth if you are feeling amorous. Cooking her meal first thing in the morning is the best way to impress her with your cooking skills. Why? Because 90% of the taste of the meal is in the aroma. According to one study, warm banana bread is best if you have loving on your mind because it has an aroma that increases the blood flow to her vagina.

6: Her fingernails. Body-focused repetitive behaviours such as nail biting and cuticle picking are strong signs of anxiety or depression in women. Try not to nag her to stop; this can just make it worse. Try taking her hand, gently squeeze or massage it, and then keep holding it.
You should be able to feel the tension leave her hand.

7: Her hands. Cold hands, warm heart. Does she always seem to have cold hands? Research shows that her hands are at least 3 degrees colder than yours. This drops even further when she is stressed. Women's bodies have been programmed to keep their body core temperatures warmer than their extremities. The best way to warm up her hands is to wrap your arms around her waist, thereby increasing her body core temperature and allowing the blood to flow back into her hands.

8: Her brain. Women's brains respond to alcohol differently to men's. While men lose their inhibitions with alcohol, women tend to become more sedated. If you want to get her in the party spirit you should turn up the music. Mid to fast tempo music will put her in the mood and have her feeling more sociable.

9: Her ovaries. Female sexual motivation is at its peak when she is ovulating. This occurs two weeks after her period started. When a woman is most fertile, she is most libidinous. Careful.

10: Her Hair. When a woman starts playing with her hair she is sending strong sexual body language signals that she is available. Stroking her hair is a good sign, but the best of the lot is the hair flick. This is said to be the surest signal that she is sexually attracted to you.

11: Her Neck: Stroking her neck or playing with her necklace are also very strong flirting body language signs, By doing these things she is drawing attention to her breasts. Throats and necks are lover's only zones, and if she is also arching her neck the signal is even stronger.

12: Her Mouth: When a woman starts to think sexual thoughts, she touches her mouth. Licking her lips, sucking on the straw or spoon suggestively, and sticking things in her mouth are all indicators that she could be up for it. Eating, drinking, and smoking faster are also great body language gestures indicative of erotic thoughts.

Use your observation skills! Read those body language signals to seduce your lover.

Here's looking at you, Coco Swan.

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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Dating Tip – The Key To Successful Dating

Here is a good dating tip – relax! Many of us are still daunted by the whole dating experience, even those of us who are experienced. And similarly, for people who are new to the dating scene, it can be even more terrifying. Knowing what to say, what to wear and where to go can turn the whole experience in to a stressful one as opposed to the fun it is meant to be.

You really may not feel like it, but almost everyone feels the same as you. Meeting someone new can be fraught with anxieties. Where do you go? What are their interests? Will they like me? And, will I like them? What happens if the date is a disaster? etc

The key to having successful dates is to try not to stress about it too much! If you do, it will spoil the whole experience for you. You should be feeling excited and positive!

So how do you do this? Well, first of all, arm yourself with lots of dating knowledge. Visit one of the dozens of useful on line dating and friendship websites for help, advice and a dating tip or two!

These websites are packed full with loads so of information that can help you feel more confident about the whole dating scene from finding a potential date to where to go on a date to relationships and the difference between the sexes. They look at romance, love, sex and well as tackle questions and answers posed by individuals.

And many have forums too, meaning that you can get a really honest and personal perspective on love, friendship and dating from someone just like you.

Dating is all part of the rich tapestry of life and there is a huge chunk of it out just waiting to be grabbed by you! So follow this very good dating tip – go out and grab yourself a piece of the fun!

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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Using an Online Dating Personals Service

When the internet first began to be used for online dating many people turned their back on it. There was a certain stigma attached to anyone who used such a site. They were said to be desperate or only weirdo's hung out on such sites. Fortunately with the passage of time these dating sites have gained wide spread acceptance to the point that many of them now advertise their services on major media outlets in TV and radio.

In fact there are thousands of singles across the globe who have successfully found a relationship match for themselves using an online dating service. What was once looked as an avenue for the desperate has become the normal main stream way for hundreds of thousands of people to meet one another.

The internet has changed the way our lives are lived, not only with the exchange of information and shopping opportunities but also the way in which we meet people and begin dating. That being said it does take some work to successfully use an online dating site. Computer and internet users are more sophisticated and aware of how this venue can be abused. While there are more and more people using online dating sites everyday they are more cognizant of who and what type of person they are looking for.

The nice thing about making contact with someone online is that you will already know something about them from their personality profile, which most online dating services require of their members. It makes finding someone who you might share interests with much easier when you can actually search for that type of thing. Many sites screen their members before they allow them access and protect the identity of all their members until you choose to reveal your true self to someone you are interested in.

Probably the best thing about internet dating is the ability to do all your membership tasks from the comfort of your own home. There is not the pressure we all feel the first time we that face to face meeting. Getting to know someone you are interested in can take place in safety of the dating site. Once you are comfortable with that person then you can decide if and when you would actually like to meet them.

Using an online dating personals website is just the natural evolution of the dating world. Back before the internet there were such things as dating agencies and the dating sites of today are just extensions of what those agencies used to provide. With the one difference that you can meet anyone from just about any part of the world giving you the opportunity to meet that special someone who will share a lifelong relationship with you.

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Monday, May 14, 2007

The Myths of Online Dating

A few years ago, if you told someone that you found your true love or soulmate online through the internet, you would probably receive a surprised look and an interest in learning more about your experience. But these days, meeting your true love online no longer seems to be an anomaly. In fact, it is becoming quite common. If you haven't yet jumped on the bandwagon in search of your true love online, let's dispel some of the most common myths about online relationships which may be hindering your search online, once and for all:

Myth #1:

Because you're often not physically together, you won't truly get to know the type of person your potential mate really is.


While there is some truth that you are never really sure who is at the other end of the line until you spend lots of time together, both online and in-person, the internet also has a strange way of opening up new depths of communication. There is something about being anonymous that allows people to feel safe enough to open up and reveal their innermost thoughts and feelings. Believe it or not, quite often, you can share an even more intimate relationship with someone online than you can in-person.

Myth 2:

Intimate communication with your date, e.g. eye contact, sharing conversations, touch etc., is limited in an online relationship, so the experience can never be satisfying.


There are a variety of chat programs which have unlimited capabilities these days, including webcams, which allow lots of eye contact and intimate conversations, as if you were in the same room. As for touching, haven't you heard of virtual sex by now? It can feel like the real thing and evoke the same physical effects!

Myth 3:

The owners of singles' sites put up pictures of beautiful people on the home page but most of their real members are unattractive, fat and desperate people.


Many singles' sites do indeed put up pictures of their most attractive members on the homepage (or even models) to lure singles. But the truth is, there are many attractive people who look for love online. Today's fast-paced busy world almost forces singles to turn to the internet as one of the quickest, most convenient ways to find a mate. You will therefore find a diverse range of potential mates. After all, it is a numbers game - with millions of singles looking for love online, your chances of finding someone would be higher.

Of course, there are also many interpretations of the word 'attractive', as in the saying, 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder'.

Myth 4:

Long distance relationships arising from online dating never work out.


This need not be true if both of you are determined to make things work out. This often means that the both of you would have to make a few sacrifices.

I've been involved in long distance relationships where we were only a three-hour flight away from each other, to those where we were separated by thousands of miles of land and sea. Yet, in my experience, it isn't so much of the distance that determines how successful a long distance relationship will be, but rather, how badly both parties want it to work out.

So there you have it: the most common myths of online relationships. Take note though: online dating is not for everyone. If you are a particularly 'visual' person, or are turned off by the possibility of having to manage a long distance relationship, you may not enjoy online dating. You can, of course, search for singles in your hometown or who live in close proximity to you. That way, you would still be able to have regular, physical contact if you wanted to.

As our social circles shrink with busier lifestyles and increasing commitments, you really should consider finding your true love online.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Right Way to Ask a Woman on a Date

There is a right way or a wrong way to ask a girl on date.

In this tip, I am going to briefly cover each and how it will help you improve your chances of landing a date with an attractive woman.

First we are going to talk about the wrong way to ask a date...

One of the worst ways to ask a woman on a date is to be unclear in your intentions or plans. For instance, many men ask a woman out by saying something like "do you want to go out sometime?"

This doesn't work because it does nothing to make her interested in the actual event. In addition, it doesn't provide her with enough information about what you two will be doing. By asking her out with this wishy-washy method, you're not acting like a confident guy.

Now there is a right way to ask a woman on a date...

When you ask a woman out, you should have a clear idea of everything that will happen. This can include the day/time, place and the activity. What you want to do is plan the date around an interest she has discussed during a conversation with you.

Typically the way I would ask a woman out would be like this:

"Hey, you mentioned you like live music. I have an extra ticket for this show on Friday. You should come along. Let me get your number!"

I like this method because you are giving her everything she needs to know about the date. Unless she has plans, a woman will probably accept your date request.

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Thursday, May 10, 2007

Online Dating - A Whole New World

Not so long ago there was a certain stigma surrounding the idea of two people meeting through contact on the Internet. Not so now though! Online dating is becoming more favorably accepted in society, with many dating sites offering facilities and features that make it convenient, exciting and safer to interact without the necessity of staying in a bar until the early hours...

As life becomes more hectic, with the pressures of work, family and other commitments, many adults find it increasingly difficult to make time to socialize, and especially at venues where they are more likely to meet a prospective partner. Others have become disenchanted with the bar scene, or late night clubs, and it is not surprising that a growing number of people are looking to the internet to find friendship, romance or even marriage.

The obvious benefits of online dating revolve around the confidentiality and security limits which are decided by each individual. In creating your profile you choose the details you want to be made public about your physical attributes, character, likes, dislikes etc and in adding a photo image to your profile, you are in control of how others will see you. You can choose who you would like to interact with, the level of interaction and who you would rather ignore.

So you make contact with one or two members who have taken your eye for one reason or another. Physical attraction is all important, and fortunately for us all, we have differing tastes in what we find appealing in others. Initial contact can be made through a whisper or wink to show the interest is there, and the next interaction would typically be through the website's internal emailing system. This is not a live process so you have plenty of time to think about what you write, or how you answer questions. At this point you are still remaining reasonably anonymous, as all the other members know about you is what they have learned from viewing your profile.

Once that initial approach has been made, a few email messages have been exchanged, and the interest still remains, the next step in the online dating process would ideally be to engage in live chat. This is where you really get to learn about your prospective date. Many dating sites have either an instant messenger program within the site or a chat room. Instant messenger gives you the option of making contact in a live 'one on one' situation, whereas you will have the opportunity to chat to a plethora of users in a chat room, either privately or in public. Members will usually type their live messages as they normally talk, so you start to learn about the character behind the keyboard. Their sense of humour, education and attitude to subjects will start to become apparent. It is amazing how much you can learn about a fellow member's makeup through online chat.

There are those that hide behind the Internet, and are not honest about certain aspects of their personal statistics. For example, age, height and size may all be inaccurate on their profile, and in some cases, devious users may even use a photograph that is several years old or not even of themselves. This is where the use of the webcam comes in handy. Camming has to be an important part of the online dating process, and should take place before any live meeting. You can identify physical attributes as well as witnessing a smile, or see the mannerisms that are distinctive to that particular person. Here is where you decide whether or not you want to meet your friend in person and take the process offline.

Even if you are excited about your new date and are thinking very positively about the prospects of a live meeting, there can still be a level of disappointment when you actually meet. Nothing is for certain and although you can seem to hit it off online and even through phone calls, there is no way to examine the chemistry through a keyboard. And very often you will know within the first few minutes of meeting.

However, the process of online dating, can be extremely exciting and the excitement far outweighs the disappointment. It's good to take your time and let the process happen at a steady rate. The online dating process cant be rushed, and cutting corners will usually end in disaster. So enjoy the early interactions, learn about your new found friendship, keep your personal security as high as it needs to be, and try to keep your expectations down to a minimum until you finally get to meet that special someone. By that time you will know far more about him/her than you would on a conventional first date.

Online dating has many advantages. Use them all to the fullest and you'll discover a whole new world which can be a great deal of fun and an extremely adventurous experience.

Trevor Taylor

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Should A Man Look For Sex On A First Date? She's Hot And You're Hot, So Why Not?

If you have ever read any dating tips for women - and let's face it, most of the dating tips are written either for women or by women – then you will undoubtedly have seen the advice never to have sex on a first date.

This applies either to conventional dating or online dating. You have to suspect it applies to online dating even more because the two people haven't even seen each other prior to the date.

As a man, you can take it for granted that the women has been advised all her life, by her mother, by her friends, and by people who write dating tips, not to have sex on a first date.

But there you are. It's the first time you have met in this way, and she's looking good. What's more, things are going really well and you know she's hot for sex. There comes a point in a date when you can be absolutely sure of this.

She's hot and you're hot. So why not?

To figure out what the answer is, ask yourself the question, 'Do I want to be certain of having sex with this woman?'.

Clearly, that is what you want. And you might be inclined to think that the sooner you 'close the deal' the better. If you don't close now, then she might change her mind.

It's not going to work like that. It could go one of four ways...

1. You have sex, and she instantly regrets it. It was too soon for her and the heat of the moment took over.

There's not so much of a problem here for you. You got to have sex. OK, you should feel bad now because she's feeling bad, and you allowed that to happen. But you can console her and after a couple of days she'll be fine.

You might however follow the old cliché of not seeing her again because she was 'too easy'. That could be a mistake. She might not be too easy, just head-over-heels fallen for you.

2. You have sex, you both enjoy it and everything's fine. Great! I have to say that this is the least likely of the possibilities. But if it happens like this, all is good.

3. You hold back. You allow her to feel all of the passion of the moment, but you hold out on her. Trust me – she's not going anywhere. She wants you! This is the way to do it because you can't lose. Although you missed having sex with her on this occasion, you can be sure that next time things will go just fine!

But there is possibility #4...

4. The worst of all possible worlds. She wants you, you want her, you make a move on her... but then she has a sudden pang of guilt. She's a 'nice girl' and she shouldn't be doing that. So she changes her mind and refuses you.

And what's more, because you didn't act like a 'gentleman', now she thinks badly of you. When she gets home, all she can think of is that you came on too strong and she nearly succumbed.

You blew it and you're history.

So the advice for men is the same as it is for women. No sex on the first date. For a man, you want to be sure of having sex with an attractive woman, and the best way of doing that is to wait just that little bit longer.

Not too much longer mind ;-)

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

3 Adult Sex Games to Play with Women- Part 2

Your sex life is a vital part of a relationship. If you're able to keep things fun and exciting, then it'll be easy to please your woman

Unfortunately, there are many times when the sizzle in the bedroom has gone out of a relationship. Even if you're with the most attractive women in the world, you'll face some moments when you need to make things more exciting.

That's why experimenting with sex games can be an exciting way to spice things up with your women.

For instance, here are 3 great sex games you can try:

1- Peeping Tom & Jane

Ok this tip might be a little extreme…But if you can try a bit of voyeurism with your woman, I guarantee you'll discover a unique to turn each other on.

In many major cities and urban centers, there are many special clubs and groups where you can go to watch other couples (and individuals) do various acts of sex. The only thing that's required is to go to one of these places and watch what happens here.

By observing other couples doing stuff, you'll turn each other on from the excitement. In fact, being a voyeur you'll probably make things really interesting. You might not make it back to the bedroom before you're practically tearing each other's clothes off.

2- Baby you can drive my car

Having sex in a car is a great way to have a thrilling time.

Whether it's the change of venue or the thrill of getting caught, getting it on in car is quite an aphrodisiac. This is especially true if it's in a somewhat public place.

While you might have a nice home nearby, it's still thrilling to pull over into a secluded area and jump into the backseat for a quicky.

3- Make all her fantasies come true

Every man and woman has different fantasies about their sex life. In this particular sex game, you take turns fulfilling one another's fantasies.

It works like this…

Each of you writes down a list of the things which turn you on. Then you exchange these "fantasy diaries". Once this happens, it's up to the other partner to fulfill these fantasies.

Now there might be certain fantasies which don't jibe with your personal code of ethics. If that is the case, you can simply ignore the ones you don't like and move on to ones which you know will provide a lot of excitement.

Bringing sex games into your relationship is an excellent way to make things more fun and exciting. If you can experiment with the 3 sex games I described in this article, you'll discover that it's quite easy to spice things up.

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

Holiday Advice for Singles

As a UK based independent travel consultant, I have been asked for holiday advice by several single female clients. I understand that it may be a daunting thought to travel alone, particularly if you are recently single. I have travelled alone a lot for business and I still feel uncomfortable sitting eating alone in the evening. You may not wish to travel alone. Perhaps friends have other commitments and you don't want to tag along with family members. So what should you do?

Whilst obvious solution may be to go on a singles holiday, where everyone will be in the same situation and there should be plenty company for you, I would not recommend this. I think the problem with singles holidays is all that you have in common with other participants is that you are single. My advice is to go for some type of themed or activity holiday. If you go on a holiday where the focus is on a topic or hobby, whether that's walking, painting, cycling, yoga or learning a language, then a least you will not have to think about how to fill your days, you will be doing something that is of interest to you. You will have this common bond with the other participants which will facilitate natural conversation rather than topics such as the length of time for which you have been single or why you broke up with your last partner. There may be some single people on this type of holiday but it will feel less like a cattle market as you have come on this holiday to pursue an interest or hobby rather than as a single, with the agenda (perceived or real) of meeting a partner.

Think of an interest or hobby that you would like to try or develop further. You can't lose, you'll spend time doing something you enjoy and you will be in the relaxed company of like minded people.

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Friday, May 04, 2007

How To Date Hotties - Don't Make These Dating Mistakes

Dating mistakes can happen to anyone at anytime. Wouldn't it be nice if we never stumbled or embarrassed ourselves in the world of romance--and especially in front of the "hotties" we would like to date? Some of our errors in judgment around dating probably seem small today, while others have affected our whole life.

Probably the biggest dating mistake you can make, is to ignore the red flags of danger. For instance, if someone has to call their mother several times during the evening while on a date with you, there could be some serious attachment issues. And if you are dating someone whose ambition is to be a stand-up comedian but you have never heard them say anything funny, you're looking at unemployment challenges. Ask yourself if you could live with those characteristics if the person never changed.

Here are three key dating mistakes you want to avoid:

1. You date someone who is not only NOT a "hottie" in your eyes, but who you know isn't right for you.

You prefer to date a "hottie," but as soon as you met this guy, you said you'd go out with him when you knew he wasn't "it." He was a nice guy, and it was comfortable to have someone to do things with for a while. But the longer you went out, the more people saw you as a couple, and that became a problem. Friends stopped fixing you up and you weren't meeting anyone else because you were in a semi-relationship. Soon, you became isolated with him, and the longer you stayed, the more you had the nagging feeling that you should not rock the boat and leave because you might not meet anyone else.

Other issues also entered into your confusion, such as, you didn't want to hurt his feelings and people said you two looked good together. Trying to please other people, as well as settling for someone you don't really want, is a dating mistake you can get caught in for the rest of your life.

2. You move immediately into an exclusive relationship.

If you are dating someone you perceive to be a "hottie," you could become overwhelmed by chemistry before you even know him or her, and you are probably setting yourself up for relationship failure. Intense chemistry with a reasonably charming, attractive person can lead to immediate exclusivity and even talk of marriage. The problem is, it is impossible to know everything about a new person in a short span of time.

You need to meet the family, the friends, the past, and the present of your new love before you get committed. You don't know what lurks under the surface that you may find you can't live with. Some people discover that their abusive husband (or wife) masqueraded as a kind and caring soul in the beginning of a relationship. It takes time to know these things.

3. You have no clear idea what you are looking for in a relationship.

The most common dating mistake is to base your choice on a narrow set of criteria. Generally speaking, guys want chemistry and good looks in a woman; women want chemistry and career success in men. However, those qualities will not matter one drop if the person does not share your values.

Example: if you meet a beautiful girl that you are crazy about, and later discover that she is cruel to children and animals, that chemistry will vanish and she will soon look ugly to you. Or, if you are a woman and you meet an impressive successful guy, but find out he is an unbelievable liar, your attraction to him will be zero! These "hotties" just won't last as relationships.

It's important to be able to recognize your patterns of behavior so you can stop doing what you've always done, getting the results you've always gotten. You deserve a great relationship—and no more major dating mistakes.

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Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Using Cocky And Funny Online To Attract Women

Cocky and funny is a way in which men essentially show women that they are talking to that they are comfortable around women.

However, what a lot of guys are doing is trying to be cocky and funny with women online that they just met.

The biggest problem with being cocky and funny online is most guys who are using it online are using it in one of two ways.

  • With women who are on online dating sites
  • With women they met in person but didn't have the balls to at least get or call her phone number.
  • The problem with using cocky and funny with women who are on online dating sites is she can take whatever you said either way.

    If she thinks you are serious she is going to be pissed and end your chances of meeting her.

    If she thinks you are funny there can be nothing cocky about it because it is online and there is little risk involved.

    More importantly, the only thing you should be doing with a woman online is getting a way to contact her offline.

    The problem with using cocky and funny with women you met in person but didn't have the balls to at least get or call her phone number is you are going backwards in the whole attraction/seduction process.

    You already told her you were uncomfortable around women when you asked for or accepted her email as her primary contact information.

    In other words, she already knows that in person you are anything but comfortable around women.

    In the end, as always online chatting or emailing with women only should be used to get her offline and being cock and funny is an unnecessary and risky step online.

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    Tuesday, May 01, 2007

    Dating Advice- What If You Don't Look Stunning?

    Most of us believe in looks. it is said that looks make the first impression. What if you meet a stunner and after talking for some time, you find the person to be dumb? Does the idea of dating such a person excite you- certainly not? Then why are looks given so much importance?

    I can say that we all wish to look good because we feel that is an asset. We have inherited this idea of beauty from our ancestors. Everything must be in proportion was the motto of the earlier human society. This has stunted growth of many promising careers. Those who do not look stunning feel inferior. But that should not happen because not everybody gives importance to looks. Some of us do that, but not all of us. Anyway are you keen to befriend a person who ignores intelligence and is concerned only about looks? I do not think you would do that.

    For most of us, it is the personality that attracts. The best looking person who looks awkward while walking will not attract any positive attention. Personality has many ingredients. The way you walk, the style in which you sit. Your talking style matters quite a lot. If somebody has a loud voice, no romance can happen. Use of tone is very important. It is true with choice of words. Those who picture with words are powerful creators. They can attract attention of any person. Look at your personality before deciding that you are not good dating material and don't deserve the best.

    Attraction cannot be defined. There is no scientific formula. Attraction comprises of many qualities. Some of them are perceived only by your subconscious mind. Pay attention to the personality and develop an irresistible personality to win the dating game. Even if you do not look a stunner, if you have a good personality you will always win the game.
